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USB Windows 7 Installation Key Drive - Create
Though since you've had Linux on the PC it would be best to do a complete wipe of the Hard Disk Drive using the Windows installer first using the information below and be sure to post back with any further questions you may have and to keep us informed.
After you havecopied outor made back-ups of the data you need to save to external media, use Step One of this tutorial at the link below to do a wipe (secure erase) to the entire Hard Disk Drive / Solid State Drive.
- Then if you do not want to create the new Windows 7 'System Reserved' partition use the outline in Step Two #2 to create, format and mark Active a single 100GB partition to do the installation to.
- If you do want to create the 'System Reserved' partition use the outline in Step Two #3 to create, format and mark Active the System Reserved partition and then create and format the 100GB partition to do the installation to.